to begin with: softness
This is a short meditation to usher you into a state of self-compassion, acceptance, and kindness. It was adapted from a script from the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public health (linked below). To conclude the meditation, I read a poem by John O’Donohue called “The Blessing” (also linked below). It is my hope that our moments together allow you to find reprieve and solace in the steadiness of your breath and the safety of your beating heart.
In my own life, practicing self-compassion allows me to tenderly hold the places that ache and ask for care, providing a soft space to gather myself and begin again.
May you be held well,
Gillespie, B. (n.d.) Self-compassion break script (pdf handout). Department of Family Medicine and Community Health, University of Wisconsin. Retrieved from
Self-Compassion Poetry. (n.d.). The San Francisco Center for Self-Compassion. Retrieved March 9, 2023, from