a ventral*

1:1 coaching package

*ventral vagal system (n.): 1: a branch of the parasympathetic nervous system which promotes relaxation, social connection, and a sense of safety.

hello, safe & social


reprogram your ventral vagal pathway


hello, safe & social 〰️ reprogram your ventral vagal pathway 〰️

about the ventral visioning process:

  • The Ventral Vision package introduces clients to the Polyvagal Theory and the concept of the Ventral Vagal pathway, which is essential for cultivating a “safe and social” state.

  • The package begins with a one-hour introductory session that can be added to any coaching package.

  • This is followed by 45-minute sessions focused on building personalized Ventral Vagal pathways and achieving specific goals related to emotional regulation and social engagement.

  • The package consists of 10 sessions, ensuring a thorough understanding and application of the theory.

gain valuable insights into your nervous system responses

find practical strategies for achieving physiological safety

build a foundation for self-regulation

strengthen your foundation for improved social interactions

What is our ventral vagal system?

  • The Ventral Vagal System, part of the parasympathetic nervous system, is like our body's built-in "calm and connect" system.

  • It helps regulate our heart rate and promotes feelings of safety and social connection.

  • When this system is active, we feel grounded, open, and ready to engage with others.

  • It's essential for fostering relaxation, emotional balance, and a sense of well-being.

package details:

10 one-on-one sessions with Maggie:

  • one 60-minute educational session on the Polyvagal Theory

  • one 45-60-minute discovery session +

  • eight 45-minute sessions to build pathways & achieve specific goals around the nervous system

Income-based investment, you pick your price:

  • $335

  • $495

  • $660

    For 10 sessions (payment plan available)

more about our sliding scale

what coaching is...

  • Partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process.

  • Inspiring clients to maximize personal and professional potential.

  • Unlocking untapped sources of imagination, productivity, and leadership.

  • Helping individuals set and achieve meaningful goals.

  • Supporting clients in overcoming challenges and feeling stuck.

what coaching is not...

  • Not therapy or counseling; coaching focuses on the present and future.

  • Not directive; coaches do not give advice or tell clients what to do.

  • Not about diagnosing or treating mental health issues.

  • Not an expert-client relationship; coaches empower clients to find their own solutions.

  • Not limited to specific topics; coaching can address various personal and professional goals.

the process

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inner labyrinths?